" For now I see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known". - I Cor. 13:12
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I see through a glass, darkly/dimly (based on I Cor. 13:12) |
We often find there are things in life that happen which we JUST don't understand. I have had my share of circumstances where I could question God on things that have happened in my life or around me. I could say, "Why did this happen, God?" With all my studying of the scriptures and what I believe the Bible teaches, I still have times where things that have happened just don't make sense; deaths, illnesses, accidents, relationship breakdowns, and the list goes on. We believe we know why some of these happen, but there are other areas where we just draw a blank. No matter how diligently we study the Word and seek God for answers, we often come up blank or assume the WORST, that God has failed us.
A close friend and I were discussing this issue. We began discussing "Christians" who have fallen away from the LORD; and in many cases, there is some ANGER and BITTERNESS with God over things that have happened in their lives or around them.
Without getting into ALL the theological debates of our often futile attempts to explain these things, I would like to personally share how I have dealt with these "Why, God?" areas in my own life. I feel this will HELP and ENCOURAGE some of you, and prayerfully, BRING SOME OF YOU OUT OF A BACKSLIDDEN STATE.
How I have dealt with this is so basic and practical, yet it has helped me stay in love with my LORD; therefore, I ask you to NOT take my answer too lightly. In spite of my knowledge of the Word of God and thinking I know what the Bible answer is for a given situation, I have learned to acknowledge that God is all-knowing and JIM is not. I see through a spiritual glass or mirror (Thank God, I see!), but ever so darkly, dimly. Now, in ALL my knowing, I ONLY know in PART a fragment of the Truth. But, Praise God, the day is coming when I will get to the other side and I will see clearly, knowing even as I am known! (I Cor. 13:12)
I exhort you today, do not get angry or bitter with God concerning things that happen in your life or around you; even if, because of your theological beliefs, you're convinced that you are SO RIGHT and God is so wrong. Let me submit for your consideration that your THEOLOGY IS WRONG if it justifies your anger or bitterness with God. It may not be until you get to the other side that you will fully understand how or why something has happened. But when that day comes, whether in this lifetime or on the other side, you will surely see that God was ALWAYS just. All things will then make sense and you will see that all anger and bitterness toward God was unfounded. You will then wonder how you could have been so foolish or blind as to think that being angry or bitter with God was appropriate.
So, if you have any area in your life (and I have many) that just makes no sense, a "Why, God?" area, please leave it alone. God in His time will give you the answer even if it is on the other side after your life on earth ends.
Do not let the incomprehensible get in the way of your love walk with Jesus!
If this lesson spoke to you, you may want to pray this prayer:
Heavenly Father,
There are things that have happened in my life, around me, and in this world that have made me angry or bitter with You. I ask You to forgive me for the anger or bitterness. I ask You to help me trust You enough to leave the incomprehensible happenings alone and for You to answer in Your time, even if that time is after I leave this world to be with you in Eternity. Let me ever remember that I see everything dimly and that I know only in part. Thank You, that someday all of this will make sense and I will see that You, never for a moment, stopped being a loving God.
In Jesus' Name, Amen!Website: http://www.biblefood.org/