Main text: Matthew 7:1-5 & John 7:24
Jesus is instructing us against engaging in hypocritical judgment.
In Matthew, Jesus tells us "Do not judge, or you too will be judged…" Possibly the most misquoted scripture in the Bible. People pull this scripture out of context AND never quote the many other scriptures on scriptural judging.
Let's first look at Matthew 7:1-5.
Let's not stop at verse 1 but read on. This passage includes significant detail later in the verse, "FIRST take the plank out of your own eye, THEN you will see clearly to REMOVE the speck from your brother's eye."
In John’s Gospel, Jesus is more succinct. First, He tells us what is unacceptable and then He tells us what is acceptable. "…Stop judging by mere appearances (unacceptable), and make a right judgment (acceptable)" (John 7:24).
So you think we’re "NOT TO JUDGE"? Let's go on!
Jesus is instructing us against engaging in hypocritical judgment.
In Matthew, Jesus tells us "Do not judge, or you too will be judged…" Possibly the most misquoted scripture in the Bible. People pull this scripture out of context AND never quote the many other scriptures on scriptural judging.
Let's first look at Matthew 7:1-5.
Let's not stop at verse 1 but read on. This passage includes significant detail later in the verse, "FIRST take the plank out of your own eye, THEN you will see clearly to REMOVE the speck from your brother's eye."
In John’s Gospel, Jesus is more succinct. First, He tells us what is unacceptable and then He tells us what is acceptable. "…Stop judging by mere appearances (unacceptable), and make a right judgment (acceptable)" (John 7:24).
So you think we’re "NOT TO JUDGE"? Let's go on!
Jesus taught men to judge rightly, insisting they “judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24) and He praised a man who “rightly judged” (Luke 7:43).
Paul shamed the Corinthian Christians because no one among them was willing to “judge the smallest matters” (1Cor. 6:2). As the Apostle Paul wrote, “He who is spiritual judges all things” for “we have the mind of Christ” (1Cor. 2:15-16).
We must let God’s word JUDGE people and then, based on the WORD (BIBLE), we must then speak His Word in LOVE - ALWAYS IN LOVE).
Jesus taught men to judge rightly, insisting they “judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24) and He praised a man who “rightly judged” (Luke 7:43).
Paul shamed the Corinthian Christians because no one among them was willing to “judge the smallest matters” (1Cor. 6:2). As the Apostle wrote, “He who is spiritual judges all things” for “we have the mind of Christ” (1Cor. 2:15-16).
Now let's look at some things that the WORD OF GOD judges, and when we agree with the WORD, we are not really judging people, but God's Word is judging them.
1Cor.6:9 states: "Make no mistake about it: those who lead immoral lives, or worship idols, or who are adulterers, homosexuals of any kind, or thieves, exploiters, drunkards, gossips or embezzlers will NOT inherit the kingdom of heaven."
Gal.5:19-21 it states: "Immorality, impurity and shamelessness (sensuality), idol worship and magic, ambition, division, factious, and envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like. I again say to you what I have already said: those who do these things shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God."
Rev.21:8 it states: As for cowards, faithless, depraved, murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, liars, THEIR PLACE is the lake of burning sulfur(or lake of fire). This is the second death."
In all these sins it is not a one time incident that is repented of, but a way of life (repeated).
Judging is proper ONLY when done from a right heart (free of plank/2x4 plus in Christ’s LOVE) and based on God’s Word (Bible) as our standard.
Paul shamed the Corinthian Christians because no one among them was willing to “judge the smallest matters” (1Cor. 6:2). As the Apostle Paul wrote, “He who is spiritual judges all things” for “we have the mind of Christ” (1Cor. 2:15-16).
We must let God’s word JUDGE people and then, based on the WORD (BIBLE), we must then speak His Word in LOVE - ALWAYS IN LOVE).
Jesus taught men to judge rightly, insisting they “judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24) and He praised a man who “rightly judged” (Luke 7:43).
Paul shamed the Corinthian Christians because no one among them was willing to “judge the smallest matters” (1Cor. 6:2). As the Apostle wrote, “He who is spiritual judges all things” for “we have the mind of Christ” (1Cor. 2:15-16).
Now let's look at some things that the WORD OF GOD judges, and when we agree with the WORD, we are not really judging people, but God's Word is judging them.
1Cor.6:9 states: "Make no mistake about it: those who lead immoral lives, or worship idols, or who are adulterers, homosexuals of any kind, or thieves, exploiters, drunkards, gossips or embezzlers will NOT inherit the kingdom of heaven."
Gal.5:19-21 it states: "Immorality, impurity and shamelessness (sensuality), idol worship and magic, ambition, division, factious, and envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like. I again say to you what I have already said: those who do these things shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God."
Rev.21:8 it states: As for cowards, faithless, depraved, murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, liars, THEIR PLACE is the lake of burning sulfur(or lake of fire). This is the second death."
In all these sins it is not a one time incident that is repented of, but a way of life (repeated).
Judging is proper ONLY when done from a right heart (free of plank/2x4 plus in Christ’s LOVE) and based on God’s Word (Bible) as our standard.
So let's be bold enough (in LOVE) to judge sin as sin.
Based on the Holy Bible as our standard.
Have a Jesus blessed day!
Jim (jim@biblefood.org)
It is true when the ones that dont know Jesus , have a tendency to tell us that we judge them about their life styles. I have some tell me that God loves homosexuals and other sinners as such . And I tell them out of the heart of love, is that yes God does love but He is a God who made you in His image but you reject Him by living what He says is immoral and an abomination to Him. I also ask them would you judge me if came a slapped you just because? I always get a big responce from that lol. They say that would be wrong , then I would say hmmm.... then you are judging me for hitting you right. Leaves them walking away with nothing else to say.
Amen Brohers
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