Of no other book can it be said that it is LIVING!!!

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
As we enter into the New Year, I encourage you to consider reading the Bible in one year.
It will take you approx. 15-20 minutes a day to read the Bible in a year.
Note: This is reading time! Studying will be in addition to the reading (I personally believe we need both).
Life will get busy, but it will be worth it. Do it with joy and excitement NOT as a DUTY.
I would like to share 2 links by a friend of mind who has a large group from all of the word that read and comment on daily readings.
One link will give you an OT, NT, Proverb, and Psalm reading every day. This this a FREE group with 12,000+ members (73+countries).
To JOIN this group FREE go to: http://www.oneyearbibleblog.com/welcome-to-the-one-year-bible.html
With the other link you read the Bible in Chronological order (I'm doing this for the first time).To JOIN this group FREE go to: http://www.chronologicalbibleblog.com
That's one way to start the year right...I look forward to another year in my journey in Christ and in sharing with you.
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