Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Starting 2011 right...

As I reminisce over 2010, there are many great things to think about and some not so great moments. But one thing never changes and that is the Holy Scriptures (the Bible). They changed my life 35 years ago and continue to do so daily. It is a fresh word from God EVERY day!

Of no other book can it be said that it is LIVING!!!

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12

As we enter into the New Year, I encourage you to consider reading the Bible in one year.

It will take you approx. 15-20 minutes a day to read the Bible in a year.
Note: This is reading time! Studying will be in addition to the reading (I personally believe we need both).

Life will get busy, but it will be worth it. Do it with joy and excitement NOT as a DUTY.

I would like to share 2 links by a friend of mind who has a large group from all of the word that read and comment on daily readings.

One link will give you an OT, NT, Proverb, and Psalm reading every day. This this a FREE group with 12,000+ members (73+countries).

To JOIN this group FREE go to: http://www.oneyearbibleblog.com/welcome-to-the-one-year-bible.html

With the other link you read the Bible in Chronological order (I'm doing this for the first time).

To JOIN this group FREE go to: http://www.chronologicalbibleblog.com

That's one way to start the year right...I look forward to another year in my journey in Christ and in sharing with you.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

"Are You a Burden Bearer" Gal. 6:1-5

"Are You a Burden Bearer"

Scripture Reading: Galations 6:1-5

6:1 - Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 6:2 - Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 6:3 - For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, hedeceiveth himself.6:4 - But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicingin himself alone, and not in another. 6:5 - For every man shall bear his own burden.

Gal.6:1 “Fault” in the Greek is the word “Paraptoma” - A false step, a blunder, error, mistake, wrongdoing. This is the word used for slipping into sin, rather than willful sin.

We are then told, “Ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of meekness............” This word “Restore” in Greek is the word “Katartizo,” and is used to indicate putting a dislocated limb into place or to mend.

When a fellow Christian has made a false step, blundered, slipped into sin, what do we do? Kill the wounded Christian! NO!!! We (the Spiritual - meek) are to do is restore that Christian who has been dislocated from the Body of Christ, put that spiritual limb back in place, mend that fellow Christian.

The tense of “restore” is the continuous present, suggesting this may involve a process of mending; thus, we may need a lot patience and love to help this person.

NOTE: We are NOT talking about a habitual sin, willful and unrepented sin (that’s another subject), BUT rather a person who has slipped into sin, made a false step.

Gal.6:2 - “Bear ye one another's burdens (baros), and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

v.2 “Burden” in the Greek is the word “Baros” – and denotes a weight or that which makes a demand on one’s resources - It always suggest that which is heavy or burdensome.

Now, go to Gal.6:5 - “For every man shall bear his own burden (phortion).”

We see the word “burden” again, but it is a different Greek word, “Phortion,” which means - Something which is borne without reference to weight.

(See Matt. 11:30 Jesus said, “...My burden (Phortion) is light.”)

So, in life there are 2 types of burdens - heavy burdens (Baros) and light burdens (Phortion). God tells us to take care of our light burdens (phortion) with His help - verse 5,

BUT God wants us (the Body of Christ) to bear the heavy burden (v.2) of a wounded, dislocated Christian. By doing so, we “...fulfill the law of Christ,” (v.2) which I believe is to love (see Gal.5:13, 14 & John 13:34, 35). Please keep in mind that even a light burden can become heavy to a Christian who has fallen and is out of God’s will in an area of their life.

If you know someone who may, so to speak, have taken a “false step,” it may be time for you who are “Spiritual - meek” to take the necessary step to help in the process of restoring this fallen Christian. You’ll do this by walking in love with that person, encouraging that person (taking them under your spiritual wings ), and of course praying for that person.

On the other hand, if you know that you are that fallen Christian, you need to find some “strong/spiritual/meek” Christian(s) to help you out of your fault “paraptoma.” That may be your pastor, Christian friend, accountability group, etc.

On a positive note, just by knowing you have blundered and acknowledging it is a step in the right direction, for many times a fallen Christian is blind to/ignorant of his fault, which is when the Body of Christ needs to step in (in love) and let that brother/sister know that they have taken a false step.

May this word today encourage us to answer the call of being a “Burden Bearer,” or to take the necessary steps to be free from a “false step” and get back on track in the will of God.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This Ain't Heaven

Yes, I’m aware that the title is not good English, but it gets my point across in the following devotion.

I often like to say, “For the Christian, this is the closest to Hell you will ever get, and for the non-Christian (unsaved person), this is the closest to Heaven you will ever get.”

My point is that as a Christian no matter how bad things get, it will only get better when we leave this life (on God’s timetable, not ours). We know eternity awaits us to be forever with the Lord (in Heaven).

My point for the Non-Christian is that no matter how bad (or good) things may be, it will only get worse when you leave this life and pass on to the next. You will have an eternity waiting you, too, totally separated from God’s presence forever and in everlasting torment (in Hell).

So when unbelievers say, “I’m in hell now,” boy, are they sadly mistaken, the worse is yet to come.

Then, you have believers saying, “Why do I have so many trials, I’m saved and I’m supposed to have “abundant life.” My answer, “Yes, as a Christian you do have “Abundant Life.” You have a relationship with Almighty God (whether you “feel” it or not), and it will culminate with you being in His presence forever.

Being a born again Christian and bound for heaven does not mean you will have no trials in this life. I was taught that basically trials were my fault or lack of faith, that I could live free from trials. So when trials came, and they sure did, I thought something was wrong with me (as a Christian). If you’ve been taught that LIE (popular in many Charismatic churches) or are still being taught that lie, it’s time that you get in a true Bible believing fellowship/church.

Let’s get straight on what the Bible says about trials.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you I Peter 4:12

Why do we think trials are some strange thing, when it is part of the process of life for all Christians.

Job puts it well when he says:
Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward. Job 5:7
In other words, you can count on it!

Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. Job 14:1
Are you born of a woman? Yep, ALL of us are; thus, we can expect trouble – It’s that plain and simple!

6 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. I Peter 1:6, 7 (NKJV)

What does this verse say? In my wording, it’s saying that we may have various trials. For how long? “A little while”, yeah, no longer than maybe for 70, 80 years (until we die), AND it is a short while when compared to all eternity. How should we rejoice – GREATLY (yeah not too easy, but still true). When all is said and done, the genuineness of your faith will take you through to the Glory of God.

In closing:
Don’t let your trials get you down (especially into condemnation), but let them perfect you as the Lord intended.

We have a great promise to hold to in Hebrews 13:5
“…I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
The Lord is with you all the way, and you shall come through it, if you don’t give up….GUARANTEED! AMEN!!!

For a 33 minute audio sermon on this subject go to:

Please be aware that volume will be distorted and loud for just the first 30 seconds.

Hope that you let this devotion speak peace to you as you go through the “normal” storms of life. You’ll be the better cause of it :-)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Are you a Chameleon or Butterfly?

chameleon.gif Chameleon or a Butterfly?"bflyclr_anim.gif

"And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Eph. 4:24

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. "
Romans 12:2

"Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." - II Cor. 5:17

Many of us look at Christianity as just a general belief in Christ. Yet, Christianity is nothing more than a mental assent or general acknowledgement of Christ. If one truly accepts Jesus Christ from His heart, touched by the Holy Spirit, there will be REPENTANCE and FAITH (Acts 20:21) in Jesus as LORD and SAVIOR, they will become a NEW CREATION
(II Cor. 5:17).

Now, let us take a quick look at Romans 12:2.
the word
"CONFORMED" and "TRANSFORMED" as to its Greek (the original language of the Bible).

CONFORMED - Greek is "sunschematizo" and refers to the act of an individual assuming an outward expression that does not come from within him, nor is it representative of his inner heart life... Thus, it means STOP masquerading in the habits of this world, its mannerisms, speech expressions, styles.

"metamorphoomai", which speaks of the act of a person changing his outward expression from that which he has to a different one, an expression which comes from and is representative of his INNER being. Thus, it is to be changed from the INSIDE out (this is where we come up with our English word "metamorphous").

So the question I ask you today is,
"Are you a
or a Butterfly?"

First let us look at a Chameleon type Christian.

A Chameleon
changes color based on the environment he is in to fit/blend in. If it's on something green, it turns green; if it's on something brown, it turns brown. But you know that the Chameleon
is exactly the same critter.

So it is with many who carry the name "Christian." When they are around Christians, they look and act like a "Christian." Yet, when around the world (lost/unsaved), they look and act just like the world.

They look like them in their actions (deeds, words, etc.). This type of "Christian" is not a Biblical Christian at all!!!

A BUTTERFLY-TYPE CHRISTIAN is one who has truly been transformed into a most beautiful NEW creation. Once a caterpillar, now a butterfly! He is not the same anymore, he has been transformed!!!

This is what happens to the Christian. When he becomes a true Christian he CHANGES! (Luke 6:46) When he's at church or Bible study he's a Christian (like a beautiful butterfly), and when he is around others in the world (work, day-to-day activities, home, etc.) he still is a beautiful butterfly. He doesn't change based on his environment. Some may not like him being a butterfly, but he is one! He has been changed through Christ!

Oh, to be a NEW CREATION, shining Christ's beautiful love and life to a lost and dying world without spiritual hope apart from Christ!

May the beautiful butterflies be found everywhere!

So I ask you, is your Christianity more like that of a
chameleon or a butterfly?


In His Service,
Jim Mazzulla (Founder of BibleFood devotional)
biblefood@gmail.com & jim@biblefood.org

We have also added:

http://sermon.net/biblefood (full length sermons)

http://www.biblefood.blogspot.com (Biblefood devotions in blog format)

www.youtube.com Devotion in video form - New idea - We'll see how it goes - Approx. 8-12 minutes in length).

Video Devotion 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxF73vRAw5g (Moral Decline)
Video Devotion 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FK7nz7PvVk (Human Life)
Video Devotion 3 (todays): Not up yet!

With all that being said, regular devotions by e-mail will continue, but also be aware of these other avenues of receiving the devotions.

You can also join me on Facebook:

If we start getting enough response on FB, we'll start a "BibleFood" group for devotions and comments, etc. there as well.

That's all for today pass this on to others.

Join this blog and automatically be notified. Thanks!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

We are almost back to school…

While I'm not a student (except of the Lord – everyday), I am looking forward to school starting, especially UNCC which is very close to where I live. I am praying for a door or doors of ministry to open to reach out to the youth at UNCC. I had been working on get contacts at the university in various departments, and am now getting in touch with my contacts regarding campus ministry through my ministries (www.christianpoolplayers.com and www.meetup.com/College-Students-Changed-by-Christ) - your prayers are needed. One of my callings is to somehow make a difference with a few or many students now that we are in Charlotte, NC.

We are finally starting to get settled. We have our NC licenses and cars registered (NC plates). I have a church home (actually working with a church plant) here in Charlotte. I didn't plan to be part of a church plant, but I guess the Lord had other plans, we'll see. Also, I have found a pool hall that I consider my home base for pool. It's 30 minutes outside of Charlotte – "150 N Out" in Mooresville, NC. It's a very nice pool room. Prayerfully God will use me there, too. May the pool table become the tool God uses in my reaching out to pool players with the good news of Jesus Christ.

As we have settled into Charlotte, NC, I have not done any preaching. That has been hard. Pray the Lord will open doors of ministry to preach both locally and nationwide/worldwide. I have also been looking for work. It is hard and at times very frustrating. I have to remember the words of 1 Peter 1:7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. To be honest, I feel my calling is to be a full-time minister, but until that happens I need to be responsible and get a secular job. Please, please keep that in your prayers and that our Lord would open the right job soon! Once I am working, that will take time (like 40+ hours a week) from my schedule. I believe I will have more peace knowing that I am doing my part as provider in my family. In God's time full-time ministry will come J

We were excited to be able to go to Atlanta a couple weekends ago (only 4 ½ hours away) for one of the grandson's birthday. This was his 6th birthday and the first one we had the opportunity to be there for.

Outside of the job situation (lack of employment), I love being in Charlotte, NC. (and near family in Atlanta) and hope the Lord has us stay here a long time as our home and base for ministry.

Thanks to all of you who have been my encouragers and prayer warriors.

I would like to close this out with a video song by Casting Crowns one of my favorite Christian groups. It is "Praise You In The Storm", this song has ministered to me and I pray it will minister to you too.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/uHdcyue0bSw&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/uHdcyue0bSw&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>




Friday, July 02, 2010

"What Happened? The Devaluation of Human Life"

Today, we will look at the DECLINE OF VALUE put on a human life in our in SOCIETY.

I remember first studying the subject of "euthanasia (mercy-killing)." In my sophomore year of high school I was on the debate team against euthanasia. Basically, my views haven't changed, but what was mostly hypothetical at the time (1970's) is now a sad reality in our society.

As we look at our subject today, I would like to start with two scripture passages.

Genesis 9:6 - “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image."

This scripture is more than a prohibition on the taking of innocent life. Being created by God, we are stewards of our lives rather than owners. Created to be like God, our lives have an eternal purpose; set apart for, and owned by God. Since we are created in the image of God, our lives have intrinsic and immeasurable value. This is the source of the "sanctity of life" concept.
(Gen. 9:6) is the recorded decree of God -- not because human life was cheap (the murderer's), but because human life (the victim's) was precious. This word from God bears witness to the value and sanctity of human life.

Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?g And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31Fear not, therefore; you are of MORE VALUE than many sparrows.

God values the sparrow, but He values you MUCH MORE. Human life is the most valued of all God’s creations!

I would like to share a recent e-mail from a friend of mine in Kentucky, he writes the following:

I thought some of you might find this interesting, I have Muscular Dystrophy, and I no longer qualify for physical therapy or water therapy because my illness is not "rehabilitatable.” Thanks to Obama's Health Care (Death Panel) Package...Since my disease progressively worsens, then they consider it throwing money away giving me therapy...Where will this lead to folks?

I don’t like to get into politics, and when I venture there, some wish I hadn’t – lol! But when I saw my friend post (above), it ticked me off how our government and society are becoming less and less concerned about people, and devaluing the worth of people by actually putting a price on when, what and why people should be helped or not. My friend’s case is not a rare occasion, but becoming the regular mind set.

Richard Land puts it so well:
"Denying life-saving health care to the elderly just because they're old, just because it's not cost-effective, is no less barbaric than leaving your elderly to die of exposure on an ice floe or out in the jungle. The only difference is the sophistication with which the elderly are dispatched. It's still barbarism and must be called as such..."

Also, our government has decided to move up the age for women getting breast exams, stating: “Potential harm of frequent mammograms outweighs benefit, task force says” [ I say it’s a bunch of hogwash!!) Later in the article, Daniel B. Kopans (radiology professor at Harvard Medical School) calls it like it is…"Tens of thousands of lives are being saved by mammography screening, and these idiots want to do away with it," "It's crazy -- unethical, really."

For full article see:

This is just the beginning of things to come. Now that the government is involved in health care, expect older people to be at risk of not getting treatment, more breast cancer, and also likely more abortions, and evaluating the treatment of others based not on saving their lives, but asking the question: Is this person worth the treatment???

Life is being treated more cheaply every day. Why?
I will tell you why. One source on the internet put it this way (couldn’t say it better myself):

“What is a human being? There are two very different answers that you might hear to this question. The Bible says we are creatures that God made especially in His image. Jesus says that we are of much more value than the birds of the air. That is one answer.

There is a second answer to this question.
This answer says that a human being is a rather complex animal who descended from the monkeys (the brain-washing of otherwise intelligent people) that we are a chance mixture of the right molecules and chemicals that ages ago emerged from the primordial slime and climbed into the trees and viola! - here we are!

It is no coincidence that our attitude toward life has cheapened to the extent that we have rejected or ignored the fact of God. As we in the post-Christian West abandon our Judeo-Christian heritage, life is becoming cheap once again. In the last few decades the secular humanists have done everything possible to remove any thought or consideration of God from the public sphere. Schools are pressured to not even mention the subject of God or to even sing religious songs anymore. Children are systematically taught from k-12 that a human being is really nothing more than a glorified monkey (the brain-washing of otherwise intelligent people). As we are taught and as we believe that we are nothing more than an animal, it should be no surprise to anyone that we will treat each other more and more like animals and get away with it.

This is one reason it is for our good to believe in and to honor God. It is just as the Bible teaches. "The FOOL has said in his heart, 'There is no God.” [Psa. 14:1] When we devalue God, we devalue human life. When we honor God, we give value to human life.” - Unknown Author

That’s my brief thought on it! You who are thrilled with our new government “Health Care,” it isn’t what you think it is, and I hate to say down the road “I told you this government health care is a HUGE mistake”, so I’m saying it here in advance…I TOLD YOU SO!

It’s time like never before to pray for America and Christianity as they once went together, but now they are worlds apart.

Heavenly Father, we praise you for your amazing grace, help us see the VALUE of HUMAN LIFE is possible in YOU, not in our strength. Lord may your Word in today’s devotion speak to hearts, and bring not condemnation, but conviction, followed by repentance, followed by change to all who read this today. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

In His Service,
Pastor Jim Mazzulla (

Our Ministries: www.biblefood.org, www.goproclaim.com and www.christianpoolplayers.com
My FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/jim.mazzulla

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

“What Happened?” - Moral Decline

Today we will look at our MORAL decline in SOCIETY.

In my lifetime (50 years), I am amazed at what has happened to the morality in the USA and many parts of the world. Compromise and turning our heads away from things that needed to be confronted (as sin) has resulted in a sick church and an even sicker society.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isa. 5:20

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous,
Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.
Proverbs 17:15

What was called sin just a few years ago is now acceptable and even honored. In years gone by, moral sins would never have been openly talked about. Now, not only do we talk about them with no shame or conviction, but we no longer call immorality sin. We say it’s okay or call it an “alternative lifestyle.” Examples: Fornication (any sex without marriage ), adultery (sex with other than your marriage partner), lesbianism, and homosexuality to name a few…

Now, it’s hard to find a couple (unmarried) on TV (or real life) who are not in fornication, or married who are not in adultery – It’s no big deal is the attitude. The same with lesbianism and homosexuality, more and more we are told we must accept it, if not embrace it.

Wow! Could I be accused of a hate crime for hating sin!!! Hating sin, NOT sinning people. If you were to get to know me, you would know that I have a real compassion for many in these categories, and have been there for them even when others weren’t, and I would venture to say I care more about them than the typical person in this world.

I do desire and pray that they would come out of their sin (which in most cases is a deception and/or a bondage to them), just like any one in any other sin. Jesus has better for them!!! In NO way do I look at them with anything but LOVE (God’s Love). I humbly write this devotion knowing – Except for the Grace of God so go I!

God’s Word is clear on the subject:

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were (past tense) some of you (that includes ME). But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
I Cor. 6:9-11

This scripture gives quite a list here!!! Call it a “lifestyle OR alternative lifestyle” if you like, I believe the Bible calls it SIN.

There is the blood of Jesus that will cleanse ANY repentant sinner of a life that is displeasing to God, and bring FREEDOM from the power of sin, behaviors, habits, addictions, etc.

Highly recommended reading on addictions of any kind:
Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave : Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel

Closing passage:
8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit,according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world,and NOT ACCORDING TO CHRIST.
Colossians 2:8

Heavenly Father, we praise you for your amazing grace, help us see MORALITY is possible in YOU, not in our strength. Lord may your Word in today’s devotion speak to hearts, and bring not condemnation, but conviction, followed by repentance, followed by change to all who read this today. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

To go along with this devotion please watch - Amazing Grace video approx. 2 minutes: http://www.godtube.com/featured/video/amazing-grace-0/inspiration

In His Service,

Pastor Jim Mazzulla (jim@biblefood.org)



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

“True Conversion – Making Your Salvation Sure” Part 2 of 2

(inspired from a message by Ray Comfort)

Like I said in part one, the purpose of this teaching is NOT to scare you out of your salvation, but to help you have a clear presentation of the gospel, and to give you an understanding that all who say they are "SAVED" may indeed not be saved, that's why their lives have never changed. A life touched by Jesus is a changed life!

In all this, I want the true believer to remember the keeping power of the LORD for His children. John 10:28 (no one will snatch us out of His [God's] hand); Heb. 13:5 (I will NEVER leave you…); Phil. 1:6 (…He has has begun a good work in you will complete it…)

Today, I want us to start this devotion by looking at :

4 Soils – Reveal the Response of Man's Hearing the Word.

Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23 Parable of the Sower. Preaching the gospel – 4 different responses.

In Mark 4:13, Jesus in discussing this parable with His disciples says, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables? Jesus emphasizes the importance of this parable, and then goes into exact detail on what it means. YET, people have disagreement on what it means. Personally, I think part of the misunderstanding is that we want to think that anyone who "hears" the word and has any response whatsoever is saved (i.e. stony and thorny ground), but this is not true. Let's take a look at these 4 soils.

Soil one:
Wayside Ground
(unreceptive) Hard surfaces – due to constant foot traffic (seed does not penetrate). Does not understand. These are the people who obviously don't receive – These people we know didn't get saved.

Soil two:
Stony Ground (insincere-wrong motives) – Very shallow root system. Immediately receives with joy/gladness, but when faith is tested ((tribulation/persecution), immediately falls away. These are those people who at first act like they have had a salvation experience, but time reveals their true spiritual state, and they too bear no fruit and soon fall away.

Soil three:
Thorny Ground – Cares (Lit. distractions) of this world, deceitful riches (Mark 4:19 adds "…desire for other things") choke the seed and it becomes unfruitful (Luke 8:14 adds "…bring no fruit to maturity"). These again look like they had a salvation experience, but they fade away and bring no fruit to maturity.

Soil four:
Good soilHears AND Understands (Luke 8:15 says, "…with a noble and good heart, keep it…" Bear fruit, some 30, others 60, others 100. Notice ALL on the Good soil

3. KEEPS IT. All good soil people hear, understand, and keep (i.e., bear fruit), though at different levels. Slow growth might be better than quick growth and crashing!!!

We have FOUR soils who heard the Gospel but ony ONE soil was a changed life!!!

We need to face up to the fact that all who go to church aren't saved, even all who "appear" to be saved aren't saved! Ex. Sheep (saved)/Goats (lost) both in the church – Matt. 25:32,33.
Wheat (saved)/Tares (lost) again both are together, i.e. in the church – Matt. 13:36-43. Church doesn't save you, no more than jumping into water makes you a fish.

I believe a good dose of severe persecution would purify the church and reveal true and false Christians – Rev.2:8-11

Preach it right:
Getting a decision for Christ without preaching repentance, wrath (Rom. 1:18), guilt, hell is wrong.

Signs of a TRUE Convert:
A true convert will love the Word, love fellowship with other believers, love worship, care about the lost, etc.

Without true conversion, you will go back to the world - Some are falsely called backsliders, but were never converted to start with.

True converts will FALL (slip) into sin – Gal. 6:1, but false converts DIVE into sin.

Ray Comfort story:

A man comes late at night (3:00 am) to a Senior Pastor's house for counseling. Then, when allowed in, he trys to kill the pastor with a 40-inch machette. The next day another pastor says the man was a member in his church. He says, "Another Christian doing that to a pastor." Ray Comfort says, "Hold on a minute!" We need to know that machete swinging, attempting to kill a pastor is a good indication that he is not a TRUE Christian. We have to stop embracing everyone who names the name of Christ. There are those who "claim Christ but have never been Born Again!"

We need to check our hearts. Are you a true child of God (Christian), then you will BEAR FRUIT!

Fruit will come forth in some portion. It will vary in time to maturation and how much it yields - 30, 60, 100!

The bottom line is


May today's word speak to your heart.

Feel free to pass it on to others who may be helped by it!

Audio of this complete message as preached in Nigeria, Africa, is available at:
"True Conversion – Making your Salvation Sure!"

In His Service,

Pastor Jim Mazzulla (jim@biblefood.org)


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

True Conversion – Making your Salvation Sure!

This is where I will be posting blogs for BibleFood devotional from now on.

Periodically I will update the website with these devotions in the archived area of the website, but it will be a lot easier for me to write them here, and really easier for you to read them in here. Plus now you can easily add comments to the devotion too! For other applicati0ns you can go back to website by clicking here: www.biblefood.org

My hope is that the time I save will make it possible for me to write more quality devotions, and I look forward to your comments.

Let's get into today's devotion: True Conversion – Making your Salvation Sure!

Note: Today's devotion was Inspired by a message I heard by Ray Comfort

The purpose of this teaching is NOT to scare you out of your salvation, but to help you have a clear presentation of the gospel and to give you an understanding that all who say they are “SAVED” may indeed not be saved, that’s why their lives have never changed. A life touched by Jesus is a changed life!

In all this I want the true believer to remember the keeping power of the LORD for His children.
John 10:28 (no one will snatch us out of His [God’s] hand)

Heb. 13:5 (I will NEVER leave you…)
Phil. 1:6 (…He has has begun a good work in you will complete it…)

Common Example: Someone said they were saved as a child, yet their lives never changed. Now they are living in the world with no intentions of changing, no conviction, no concern about their spiritual state . It can be false hope to think you are saved when you are not. I’m not judging you, God’s Word does!!!

1. The purpose of the law (10 Commandments) in sharing the Gospel

This brings me to the first area of neglect that I feel is so important in ministering to the lost about Christ (I’m not saying it is the only way – but it is a scripture-based method). We need to use the law (especially the 10 Commandments) to show people their need of Christ. James 2:10 says that no one keeps the law, thus, guilty of ALL.
Rom. 3:19 tells us the Law holds ALL accountable/guilty (see 10 Commandments – Exo. 20), even those who maybe haven’t heard the 10 commandments. ALL have the law in them (written on their hearts). Rom. 2:14,15

We want to see people come to a saving knowledge of Christ, but we haven’t shown them how very guilty they are before a Holy God. How can a man repent if he doesn’t know he is a sinner (guilty)?

Some have experienced a false salvation, as we see in Matt. 7:18-23
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the
will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have
cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you (in the Greek it means not even once – (thus, it is not talking about a backslider): depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Paul hadn’t know sin except the law. (Rom. 7:7) Earlier he said in Rom. 7:4 – “…Dead to the law through Christ.”

I believe without the preaching of the law (that shows us that we are guilty before a Holy God) we have produced a group of people, not just in the world, BUT IN THE CHURCH, who are not saved, but deceived into a false salvation; thus, our churches lack the fear of God (no reverence, no awe, no trembling before God).

My final thought on the LAW is found in Gal. 3:24-25 – The Law is our schoolmaster/tutor. It won’t save you but point you to your need for Christ.

I love the following quote:
“THE LAW CAN ONLY CHASE A MAN TO CALVARY, NO FURTHER” (law can’t save you!) – D.L. Moody

2. True salvation will bring forth repentance and be followed by good fruit

While salvation is not of works (Eph. 2:8,9 & Titus 3:5), the outcome of a true conversion will be repentance and fruit.

If there is no true repentance, then there is no true salvationActs 3:19, 26:20, Matt. 3:8

If there is no fruit , then there is no Salvation.
See – John 15:5, 16; Rom. 6:20-22
Rom. 7:4
Dead to the law – married to another – Jesus Christ --->Fruit unto God

What is the fruit of a true believer (partial list, not all inclusive)?

1. Matt. 3:8, Acts 3:19 Fruit of REPENTANCE.

2. Col. 1:10, Titus 2;11-14, 3:8 Fruit of GOOD WORKS.

3. Heb. 13:15 Fruit of THANKSGIVING.

4. Gal. 5:22,23 Fruit of the SPIRIT (love, joy, peace…).

5. Phil. 1:11, James 3;17-18 Fruit of RIGHTEOUSNESS (which results because of Christ in one’s life).

End with this short story:
It is said that years back two Russian guards rushed into a prayer meeting and said, “if you’re NOT ready to die for Christ, then get out of here, and half the church left. ” They did this as they themselves were Christians and wanted to separate the true Christians from the false.


Examine yourself to see if you are in the faith!!! If not, and this message has touched you, repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.
Then, get grounded in a good Bible believing church – let me know if you don’t know the churches in your area, I’ll help you find one.

In a few days I will send out another message (part two)on this subject . There is too much material to cover in one devotion.

Audio of this complete message as preached in Nigeria, Africa, is available at:
www.sermon.net/biblefood “True Conversion – Making your Salvation Sure!”

In His Service,
Pastor Jim Mazzulla (jim@biblefood.org)

Comments are welcome!!!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Persecution and You - Are you claiming it!"

This is longer than usual but it’s been awhile since I have put out a devotion, and I believe this one has been put heavily on my heart for all of you. Please read! Thank you!

Mark. 10:29-30 We love “claiming” or saying the promises of God are for me. Well, today, I may be adding a promise that you more than likely haven’t been claiming. Now let’s look at our main scripture for today’s devotion: 29 So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother *or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, 30 who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life. Mark 10:29-30
* “wife” taken out as it is NOT in the original Greek.

Persecution defined:
The act or practice of persecuting; especially, the infliction of loss, pain, or death for adherence to a particular creed or mode of worship. In the New Testament "persecuted" comes from the Gk. word dioko, which means: "to pursue" or "chase away." Over time it came to mean "to harass" or "treat in an evil manner."

Now let’s take a look at II Timothy 3:12: “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12 Jesus promised us, “If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” (Jn. 15:20) Jesus did not promise us a rosy life. He promised us suffering. This is why he calls his followers to first “take up their cross” and then to “follow” Him.

In Matt. 16:24 “Jesus put the emphasis on self-denial and cross-bearing.”

Side Note: “I also believe our WORST day in Christ (as a Christian), is better than our BEST day without Christ (lost).”

As we look back into the Book of Acts we see the church was getting comfortable, even though they were told in Acts 1:8 (to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. In Acts 8:1-4, persecution came and the church then spread to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, through the earth.

If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. (Matt. 16:24-25)

I’d like to share some personal experience along this line:
I went over to India in 2006 for 3 weeks (one week travel time) and preached 21-22 times while there. The people were so hungry. I preached my heart out. Then, in one of the last meetings, as we were driving approximately 1-1/2 hours across dirt in the dark to return to the pastor's compound who invited me to India, he let me know we were being followed by Hindu extremists who had been following us to some of our recent meetings, and wanted the meetings stopped. In America the persecution is there, but not at this level. As we were followed (and our van was not running well), I had to ask myself if these people pull us out of the van and beat us or threaten to kill us (or ME), am I going to be a coward and cry "Please don't hurt or kill me"? I thought about it very soberly and thought of how boldly I had preached the gospel over 20 times in India. So I prayed to the LORD that if we got pulled over and attacked that He would help me to not be a coward. The van, though not running very well, made it back to the compound safely, but it seemed like an eternity as we were followed the entire way. That was a real lesson to me about how deep does my Christianity goes! It was very sobering for an American whose level of persecution is when someone refuses a tract, laughs at you, etc. That being said, I will be going back in 2009 - PTL! I also have an evangelist friend in Pakistan, who has lived in Pakistan his entire life – His response to persecution - It's NO big deal it's part of life as a Christian. Think of the persecuted church in China - heavily persecuted, beaten, tortured, thrown in jail, and killed for their faith – Yet there are more true Christians there than anywhere in the world. We feel sorry for all the suffering that Christians around the world suffer (and we should), but while we feel bad, sad, and sorry for them, and are praying for them (and we should), they are praying for a true move of God in America. China has more than 15 million Christians in government-sanctioned churches, but as many as 100-130 million in unregistered congregations (these are the saved). Fifty or more Christians were arrested in January of this year after communist leaders viewed a new video, "The Cross: Jesus in China," produced by a California-based group, China Soul for Christ Foundation.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5:10-12

Footnote from Life Application Bible on verse 11-12: Jesus said to rejoice when we are persecuted.
Persecution can be good because:
1. It takes our eyes off earthly rewards.
2. It strips away superficial belief.
3. It strengthens the faith of those who endure.
4. Our attitude through it serves as an example to others who follow.

Not only does Jesus imply that persecution is coming but you're blessed as a result of it. The promise we have is that when you choose to live godly lives, we can expect persecution! “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep (life) to gain what he cannot lose (eternity).” Written by: Jim Elliot wrote that in his journal shortly before giving his life (martyred) on the mission field. He knew that the cost of the cause of Christ is everything you have. How about you, do you know real persecution? If not, why not? It's promised in Mark 10:30 and II Tim. 3:12 and was (and still should be) a normal part of the true church's everyday life. The persecuted church has always been a growing church.

Maybe what we in America need is some real persecution!

I encourage you to watch a short clip (2 min. 45 sec. on China persecution at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=4GwEHibmCCk&feature=related

And a touching longer clip (30 min.) on China Christians at: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=cec3d9fd68600c58ee43c3d9fd68600c58ee43

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ALSO this AUDIO devotion and many other SERMONS are available free (notes too) at:
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In His Service, Jim Mazzulla (jim@biblefood.org)
Comments are welcome :-)