Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Are you a Chameleon or Butterfly?

chameleon.gif Chameleon or a Butterfly?"bflyclr_anim.gif

"And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Eph. 4:24

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. "
Romans 12:2

"Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." - II Cor. 5:17

Many of us look at Christianity as just a general belief in Christ. Yet, Christianity is nothing more than a mental assent or general acknowledgement of Christ. If one truly accepts Jesus Christ from His heart, touched by the Holy Spirit, there will be REPENTANCE and FAITH (Acts 20:21) in Jesus as LORD and SAVIOR, they will become a NEW CREATION
(II Cor. 5:17).

Now, let us take a quick look at Romans 12:2.
the word
"CONFORMED" and "TRANSFORMED" as to its Greek (the original language of the Bible).

CONFORMED - Greek is "sunschematizo" and refers to the act of an individual assuming an outward expression that does not come from within him, nor is it representative of his inner heart life... Thus, it means STOP masquerading in the habits of this world, its mannerisms, speech expressions, styles.

"metamorphoomai", which speaks of the act of a person changing his outward expression from that which he has to a different one, an expression which comes from and is representative of his INNER being. Thus, it is to be changed from the INSIDE out (this is where we come up with our English word "metamorphous").

So the question I ask you today is,
"Are you a
or a Butterfly?"

First let us look at a Chameleon type Christian.

A Chameleon
changes color based on the environment he is in to fit/blend in. If it's on something green, it turns green; if it's on something brown, it turns brown. But you know that the Chameleon
is exactly the same critter.

So it is with many who carry the name "Christian." When they are around Christians, they look and act like a "Christian." Yet, when around the world (lost/unsaved), they look and act just like the world.

They look like them in their actions (deeds, words, etc.). This type of "Christian" is not a Biblical Christian at all!!!

A BUTTERFLY-TYPE CHRISTIAN is one who has truly been transformed into a most beautiful NEW creation. Once a caterpillar, now a butterfly! He is not the same anymore, he has been transformed!!!

This is what happens to the Christian. When he becomes a true Christian he CHANGES! (Luke 6:46) When he's at church or Bible study he's a Christian (like a beautiful butterfly), and when he is around others in the world (work, day-to-day activities, home, etc.) he still is a beautiful butterfly. He doesn't change based on his environment. Some may not like him being a butterfly, but he is one! He has been changed through Christ!

Oh, to be a NEW CREATION, shining Christ's beautiful love and life to a lost and dying world without spiritual hope apart from Christ!

May the beautiful butterflies be found everywhere!

So I ask you, is your Christianity more like that of a
chameleon or a butterfly?


In His Service,
Jim Mazzulla (Founder of BibleFood devotional)
Email: &

We have also added: (full length sermons) (Biblefood devotions in blog format) Devotion in video form - New idea - We'll see how it goes - Approx. 8-12 minutes in length).

Video Devotion 1: (Moral Decline)
Video Devotion 2: (Human Life)
Video Devotion 3 (todays): Not up yet!

With all that being said, regular devotions by e-mail will continue, but also be aware of these other avenues of receiving the devotions.

You can also join me on Facebook:

If we start getting enough response on FB, we'll start a "BibleFood" group for devotions and comments, etc. there as well.

That's all for today pass this on to others.

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Saturday, August 07, 2010

We are almost back to school…

While I'm not a student (except of the Lord – everyday), I am looking forward to school starting, especially UNCC which is very close to where I live. I am praying for a door or doors of ministry to open to reach out to the youth at UNCC. I had been working on get contacts at the university in various departments, and am now getting in touch with my contacts regarding campus ministry through my ministries ( and - your prayers are needed. One of my callings is to somehow make a difference with a few or many students now that we are in Charlotte, NC.

We are finally starting to get settled. We have our NC licenses and cars registered (NC plates). I have a church home (actually working with a church plant) here in Charlotte. I didn't plan to be part of a church plant, but I guess the Lord had other plans, we'll see. Also, I have found a pool hall that I consider my home base for pool. It's 30 minutes outside of Charlotte – "150 N Out" in Mooresville, NC. It's a very nice pool room. Prayerfully God will use me there, too. May the pool table become the tool God uses in my reaching out to pool players with the good news of Jesus Christ.

As we have settled into Charlotte, NC, I have not done any preaching. That has been hard. Pray the Lord will open doors of ministry to preach both locally and nationwide/worldwide. I have also been looking for work. It is hard and at times very frustrating. I have to remember the words of 1 Peter 1:7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. To be honest, I feel my calling is to be a full-time minister, but until that happens I need to be responsible and get a secular job. Please, please keep that in your prayers and that our Lord would open the right job soon! Once I am working, that will take time (like 40+ hours a week) from my schedule. I believe I will have more peace knowing that I am doing my part as provider in my family. In God's time full-time ministry will come J

We were excited to be able to go to Atlanta a couple weekends ago (only 4 ½ hours away) for one of the grandson's birthday. This was his 6th birthday and the first one we had the opportunity to be there for.

Outside of the job situation (lack of employment), I love being in Charlotte, NC. (and near family in Atlanta) and hope the Lord has us stay here a long time as our home and base for ministry.

Thanks to all of you who have been my encouragers and prayer warriors.

I would like to close this out with a video song by Casting Crowns one of my favorite Christian groups. It is "Praise You In The Storm", this song has ministered to me and I pray it will minister to you too.

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